The Guarantee Our Essentials Campaign

Reforming Universal Credit to ensure we can all afford the essentials in hard times Helping people to manage their money well is important and something Exeter Foodbank is increasingly trying to do through our collaborative work. However, if you’re on an inadequate income, budgeting only goes so far. Sometimes, nothing can make the sums add…

Filter rather than instant: What we do at Exeter Foodbank (EFB)

I know that many people like to receive bite-size information in the form / length of a ‘tweet’. However, I feel that this deserves more attention so I am willing to run the risk of writing something longer to explain what we do as a charity. A few months ago, I sat with our Advice…

Children’s Book Donation Point

From next week, if you pop in to The Works on Exeter High Street, you will see this poster attached to a collection basket. You can donate any of these items and we will be delighted!! Why do Exeter Foodbank want books? Well… Almost one in five children in this country do not own a…

Worrying about money leaflet

We have been working very hard behind the scenes to help IFAN (Independent Food Aid Network) to put together this resource for people in Exeter to find the help that is available to them. It is both a PDF and a web version. The aim is that people can think about what issue they are…

Exeter Foodbank Annual Report

Our Annual Report was released at our Annual General Meeting in June. This contains news and stats for most of our work in the year ended October 31st 2022.

Thank you, Sarah

Our Chair of Trustees, Sarah, retired from her role at the Exeter Foodbank AGM in June 2023. Sarah has been with the charity through not only times of significant development, but also through a pandemic, the Ukraine conflict and a Cost of Living Crisis. She has led us so well and helped the charity to…


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